Government Funding
​Revenues for both small and mid-sized organizations come through numerous avenues. Government agencies, whether HUD, state, or local grants, all require accurate application, execution, and reporting.
Alacritas Advisers can provide guidance and assistance for grant application, execution, and fulfillment of reporting mandates. Specifically, Alacritas Advisers can aid organizations regarding:
​Continuum of Care (CoC) Program: supportive housing, rapid and transitional housing, and coordinated entry
Emergency Solutions Grant: outreach, prevention, emergency shelter, and rapid rehousing
State and local grants
Applying for grants is time consuming and requires both quantitative and qualitative data. Key to being successful is ensuring the programs applied for have undergone a process to understand the true costs and actual measures that will be needed. Knowing the true costs of a program allows for a more accurate submission. Understanding the metrics that will be needed will help the organization manage expectations and improve reporting.
Organizations that desire to begin or expand their fundraising efforts will benefit from the experience of Alacritas Advisers through the creation of a sound funding strategy and operationally sound execution.
Revenues generated through fundraising stem from building relationships through efforts including:
Annual appeal
Major gifts effort
Online giving
Timely and attractive events
The foundation of an ongoing development operation, irrespective of an organization’s size, is relationships. How to build relationships, especially when the donor base is emerging, is an action that requires careful consideration and considerable experience.