Moving Forward Together
Alacritas Advisers is committed to helping human services nonprofits that are experiencing challenges. We specialize in helping those organizations move fast and with a sense of joy for the future.
We complete our work in a straightforward manner and begin with a review known as Move! We visit with organizations, at no cost to them, 36 hours before a board meeting. In that day and a half, we interview key staff and board members and provide a high level assessment of the organizations to the Board. The analysis evaluates its shared mission, strategy, structure, systems, skills, staff, and style.
Following, we provide a series of recommendations at the board meeting—and numerous will be immediately implemented by the Board and staff. The number of Move! visits we conduct is limited and fill quickly.
You do not have to face challenges alone.
We help nonprofits Board members and senior leaders save time, gain clarity, and enable board members and senior leaders take immediate action toward a better future for the organization and the people it serves.