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Employee engagement is a critical component of your organization’s success. Without robust engagement, it will be difficult to move your organization from where it is to where you want it to be. A successful effort to end homelessness does not simply require organizations that work in the homeless services field. Ending homelessness requires organizations in which employees are highly motivated and engaged.


Below is a video of Bill Gorman who presents 10 ideas on how to create a more engaged workforce. Beyond that, there are several resources for you to learn more from different perspectives.

Additional Resources




What Is Employee Engagement and How Do You Improve It? The information included at this site includes a definition of employee engagement, examples, and improvement. Click here.  


HBR: 4 Fundamental Ways to Boost Employee Engagement


This article from Harvard Business Review provides four quick and important suggestions to boost employee engagement. Click here.  



ADP: Employee Satisfaction vs. Employee Engagement: Are They the Same Thing?


This whitepaper outlines the differences between Employee Satisfaction and Employee Engagement and is an interesting read. Click here.



Working with Alacritas Advisers


To schedule an introductory call with Bill Gorman please go to his calendar - here.


For more information you can also contact Bill Gorman at 410-253-1245 or


The process of determining if working together is in our mutual best interests is designed to be orderly and thoughtful. The process involves a Discovery Period (so the relationship starts on the right foot) and includes defining challenges, determining the scope of the project, and developing a proposal for professional services together.


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